2-Ingredient Miracle Dough Cookbook: Easy Lower-Carb Recipes for Flatbreads, Bagels, Desserts

2-Ingredient Miracle Dough Cookbook: Easy Lower-Carb Recipes for Flatbreads, Bagels, Desserts

B. inggris Sekolah Menengah Atas A student is talking to his advisor

student:Mr Wilson ,what di you recommend regarding my chemistry class?should I drop it or continue with it?
Mr Wilson:I think it would be a good idea to talk with your instructor.try talking with her about your problems and see what she suggest.
student:what if she saya I should continue with the class?
Mr Wilson:then my recommendation is that you follow her advice.she doesn't want to fail you
student:okay, l'll se my instructor tomorrow.thanks,Mr Wilson.
Mr Wilson:you're welcome

11.answer the following questions.

a.what is the Topic of the dialogue.
b.what does Mr Wilson recommend the student?
c.what makes the student worry?
d.what will the student do after he consults Mr Wilson?

bantu jwb kak skrng!​

Sejarah Sekolah Menengah Atas Perhatikan upaya-upaya berikut!
1) Membentuk dewan-dewan daerah.
2) Memproklamasikan berdirinya PRRI di Bukittinggi.
3) Melancarkan aksi gerilya di daerah-daerah di Sumatra.
4) Mengeluarkan ultimatum agar Kabinet Djuanda mundur.
5) Menduduki objek-objek penting di Sumatra.
Upaya Letkol Ahmad Husein dan Syafruddin Prawiranegara pada 1958 dalam pemberontakan PRRI ditunjukkan oleh angka..... A. 1), 2), dan 3)
B. 1), 2), dan 4)
C. 2), 3), dan 4)
D. 2), 4), dan 5)
E. 3), 4), dan 5)​